Our cast's 25th anniversary was a rousing success.
If you were there, you may still be recoverng from the fun, conversation, and endless hours of laughter. If you were not there,
you can be assured that your name was within the sentence, "Where is <Your Name>? I sure wish he/she were here too".
We really do have an amazing cast which becomes more apparent with each passing year.
As one who missed far too many reunions until relatively recently, I can confidently say I didn't know what I was missing.
Cast reunions are nothing like school reunions nor are there any awkward "gee, it's been decades, what will we talk about" moments.
It's more like a family reunion without the disfunction! I am happy to count Cast A among my favorite families.
As one who missed far too many reunions in the past, it took attending only one reunion to get me hooked on them forever.
If you have never been to a reunion (or even if you have), please try hard to make it to the next one. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
-- Julie